All of the classes in the Applied Technology Department are based around engineering/problem-solving concepts. If you can become a more effective thinker and more efficient problem-solver, you will be more successful in any career. Classes focus on “hands-on” experiences; consequently, you experience a higher level of learning and skill comprehension. All courses strive to guarantee that all material learned in class will have a direct career related application that can be used later in life!
Introduction to Manufacturing (Gr. 9-12) 2 semesters 5211/5212
Students are introduced to manufacturing materials and the processes used to make the products we buy every day. Students then make an individual project on the machinery for skill development. Finally, the students will form a business where an idea is fully developed into a product that will be marketed with the goal of making a profit. Students experience careers on 4 different levels: investors, management, labor, and marketing. Students are paid in each level if the business is profitable. If a student wants to learn more about owning and running their own business, levels of work, or how things are made, this is one of the best classes they can take. (4784)
Technology & Society (Gr. 9-12) 1 semester 5316
Transformation from an industrial society to an information society has caused a rapid change in the technology of today and what will be the technology of tomorrow. Technology has become a vital part of our everyday lives to the point where our lives depend on technology. It surrounds us 24 hours a day from the time we awake in the morning to how we travel, how we communicate, work and live. To be successful, an understanding of the technology used by society is ESSENTIAL! Technology also has an impact on present career options and will definitely decide the career options for the future. Students have the freedom to pick the areas of technology they want to explore. Students gain an awareness of future growth areas, career levels, career demands, and expectations. Higher level careers are consistently increasing the required amount of specialized education and technical knowledge. This course will expand your technical knowledge and awareness. (4804)
Note: A core 40 directed elective as part of a technical career area