The mission of Carroll High School is to promote excellence in students’ academic, physical, and social growth, within a safe environment while challenging them to become responsible, constructive citizens of an ever-changing world.
We believe:
Individuals learn differently.
Education is a shared responsibility of family, students, staff, and community.
Teachers and students thrive when working in a collaborative environment.
A feeling of connection to the school community enhances student learning.
School improvement is a continuous and perpetual process.
The role of the school is to provide each student the opportunity to reach his or her potential.
Learning is a lifelong endeavor.
Graduation Requirements for Class of 2020, 2021, 2022
Completion of the Core 40 Diploma is an Indiana graduation requirement. Therefore, students work toward a Core 40 Diploma or a Core 40 with Academic Honors or Technical Honors Diploma. To receive an exemption and graduate with less than a Core 40 Diploma (a General Diploma) a formal opt-out process must be completed. Students must meet certain benchmarks to be eligible to opt-out of the Core 40 Diploma. The student must schedule a conference with his/her guidance counselor and parent(s) or guardian(s).
In addition to the course/credit requirements, all students must pass the appropriate Math and English grade 10 State Assessments. Students/parents will be advised of their alternatives should a student not pass these assessments.
Graduation Requirements for Class of 2023 and beyond_____________________
Students all receive an Indiana Diploma but can choose different "designations" for their diploma:
Indiana Diploma with General Designation
Indiana Diploma with Core 40 Designation
Indiana Diploma with Academic Honors Designation
Indiana Diploma with Technical Honors Designation
For the requirements for the designations above, see "Comparison of Indiana's Diploma Requirements".
Students must also complete two other areas besides completing the requirements for one of these diplomas. This information can be found under "Graduation Pathway Requirements".
The state of Indiana requires all students to prove proficiency in Financial Literacy in grades 9-12. Students can choose one of the following to satisfy this requirement:
Pass the one semester Personal Financial Responsibility course (course # 2256).
Pass the one semester Adult Roles and Responsibilities course (course # 0706).
Pass the CHS Financial Literacy Examination. This exam is given once during the freshman year and has online study components to prepare for the exam. It is given after the freshman year as needed.
Students meeting local and state graduation requirements for a General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors or Technical Honors Diploma are eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony and receive their high school diploma. Students in the class of 2020, 2021, and 2022 who meet the credit/course requirements for a diploma but have not fulfilled the appropriate state assessment requirement can opt into the graduation requirements for the class of 2023 (Graduation Pathways). Special Education students who have fulfilled their IEP requirements will receive a Certificate of Completion and are eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony. Students not meeting the above requirements are not eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Class Load
Each student is required to carry a minimum of six subjects each semester unless permission is granted for off- campus/advanced/special programs. Students taking 3 or more of a combination of AP, Honors and/or dual-credit classes may take 2 study halls during that semester.
Class Rank
Class rank is released after the third semester of high school.
Repeating a Class
Students may be recommended to repeat a passed course for better understanding, to meet post-secondary goals, to proceed to a more advanced course and/or to meet Academic Honors Diploma requirements. Students must see their guidance counselor for specific criteria and GPA/credit effects when repeating a "passed" class.
Auditing a Class
Under certain circumstances, a student will be approved to audit a class. In order for this to be approved, the following needs to be understood by both parent and student and a Class Audit Request form must be completed by the student and approved by the counselor.
Student must be on track to graduate
Audited classes cannot be used to fulfill graduation requirements
Student may not choose to audit a class after the class has begun
Request to audit must be approved before starting the class
No credit is given for audited class(es) and grade(s) earned is not factored into GPA and Class Rank
Student must attend class, participate in class activities, complete assignments and tests and are subject to the same rules and regulations as all other class members
Student’s work will be evaluated and graded
Audited class(es) WILL be on the transcript along with the grade earned
Add/Drop guidelines will be followed for dropping an audited class
Early Graduation
A student wishing to graduate in seven (7) semesters or less must meet with their counselor to plan appropriately.
A student who intends to graduate at the end of seven semesters is not eligible to hold office in any school clubs or organizations during the seventh semester. All graduation requirements must be completed by the end of the semester of intended graduation.
Students graduating early (in less than 8 semesters) are included in the class ranking for students in the class in which they entered freshman year of high school (their cohort group) and will reflect their rank at the completion of their final semester. Students graduating late – needing to return to high school following their cohort/class’ graduation date to complete graduation requirements – will not have a class rank.
Weighted Classes
The following classes receive an increase of one grade bump in student GPA calculations. For example, a student receives a B+ in an honors course, the B+ will be on the transcript, but when that B+ is figured into the cumulative GPA, it is figured in as an A-.
The following Advanced Placement (AP) classes receive an increase of two grade bumps in student GPA calculations. For example, a student receives a B+ in an AP course, the B+ will be on the transcript, but when that B+ is figured into the cumulative GPA, it is figured in as an A.
Grading Scale
GPA Scale
Senior Honors
Valedictorian and Salutatorian must be eight (8) semester graduates and complete at least four (4) of those semesters at Carroll High School. The top ranking seniors will be notified at the end of the seventh semester. Valedictorian and Salutatorian are considered eighth semester honors. Grade checks are made at the conclusion of the third nine-week grading period and/or later to determine the Valedictorian and Salutatorian.
The top 10%, National Honor Society, Honors (3.3-3.66), Honors with Distinction (3.67 and above), Core 40 with Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical Honors Diploma recipients are designated in the Graduation program.
Transfer Credit
All transfer credits are evaluated and awarded following Carroll High School GPA/credit criteria. In calculating grade point averages, students who transfer to Carroll with weighted grades will be calculated on Carroll’s grading system. Underclass honor recipients must have accumulated at least one semester of CHS credits.
Courses taken at 2 year/4 year colleges are evaluated on an individual basis regarding the awarding of dual high school credit. Students must see their guidance counselor prior to such enrollment.
Credit cannot be issued for courses taught by a tutor other than a homebound teacher provided by Northwest Allen County School Corporation.
Correspondence school credit may be accepted from an institution accredited through a regional association such as the North Central Association. Forms are available in the Guidance Office to obtain the prior approval required for all summer school/correspondence/transfer credits.
Taking a Class on the College Campus
Students may take a class on the college campus during the school day during senior year. However, a student must be in at least 3 credit classes at Carroll High School and could be more depending on when the class is scheduled at the college campus. Students must see their guidance counselor prior to registering for the college campus class.
Students wishing to be eligible for IHSAA, must attend Carroll High School for at least 4 credit classes during the school day and be registered for at least one college campus class. Students must see their guidance counselor prior to registering for the college campus class.
Extracurricular Eligibility
To be academically eligible for athletics or co- and extra-curricular activities, students must have received passing grades at the end of their last grading period (For IHSAA: P2/S1, P6/S2) in at least five full credit subjects or the equivalent. Refer to athletic or co-extracurricular code in Student Handbook (see CHS website) for specific requirements and to the NCAA website, www.eligibilitycenter.org, for college participation requirements. Student athletes should register with the NCAA Eligibility Center upon completion of sophomore year. Any student planning to play collegiate sports should meet with their guidance counselor to make certain that all applicable NCAA eligibility requirements are met.
Athletes must maintain five passing grades throughout the year. Taking a class for audit or non-credit does not count towards eligibility, nor do some online courses. For example, courses taken through BYU are not NCAA approved and do not count towards eligibility.
Schedule Changes
Designing your schedule is a serious decision. The high school budget is prepared, staff is hired and the master schedule is developed based on student course requests. Once classes are scheduled, it is difficult to change classes because many of the classes have maximum enrollment and the master schedule has been built. Students have until May 1 to make discretionary schedule changes for the following school year. Students are assessed a $10.00 fee for any “non-required” (discretionary) schedule changes after May 1. The change must be in the best interest of the student. No one will be enrolled in a class that is considered filled.
After May 1, schedule changes require students to complete the appropriate form in the Guidance Department and are only considered if change does not negatively impact the master schedule and for the following reasons:
A student failed a required course. (no fee assessed)
A student fails to enroll in a course required for graduation or to meet a career/college prep requirement. (no fee assessed)
A student demonstrates poor achievement in a prerequisite course and is advised not to enroll in an advanced course. (no fee assessed)
A student does failing work during the first semester and it is advisable not to continue in the second semester unless it is a required course. (no fee assessed)
Leveling up or down in a course, once the semester has started, is allowed only with counselor/administrator approval and teacher recommendation. Before a student can even make this request, student must do the following first: talk to the teacher about the concerns, talk to parent about the concerns, and have parents talk with the teacher about the concerns. (fee may be assessed)
After May 1 discretionary changes are reviewed on an individual basis. (fee assessed)
Students cannot opt out of a class for an online class after the class has begun.
Students may drop courses with the following restrictions:
To take a study hall in place of a 7th class. Must be processed before the end of the 1st nine weeks of a semester. (fee assessed)
Students removed from class for discipline or attendance reasons will receive a grade of withdrawal failure(WF) which calculates as an F in the GPA. (fee may be assessed)