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*Note: AP Courses receive an increase of two grade bumps in student GPA calculations.  For example, a student receives a B+ in an AP course, the B+ will be on the transcript, but when that B+ is figured into the cumulative GPA, it is figured in as an A.  


Advanced Placement Program (AP)                                                                                                  

The Advanced Placement Program (AP) gives students an opportunity to take college-level courses. Students must take the AP exam for each AP course they take. While AP exams are $91, the state of Indiana pays for science and math exams and Northwest Allen County School Corporation pays for all other exams for students enrolled in AP courses at Carroll. Each semester grade earned receives two additional grade points in the calculation of the grade point average (GPA). The “weighting” of the GPA is a motivator and a reward for the increased rigor. There are many benefits — studying interesting and challenging topics, discovering new interests and getting a head start on their college future.


Find out what you can really do . . .

Challenge yourself and see what you are capable of achieving. Master college-level material and discover the satisfaction of reaching your goals and knowing you have been successful.


Prepare for college work . . .

AP courses represent the beginning of your journey through college-level academic challenges. Once you’re used to being challenged, you’re more likely to continue with advanced studies. AP is not just a test, it’s an experience. AP courses motivate you to work hard and you can improve the quality of all your courses based on the skills you gain in one AP course.


The work you do in an AP course helps you develop skills and study habits that will be vital in college. You’ll learn how to analyze problems effectively, improve your writing skills, and prepare for exams. Students are more knowledgeable about the demands of college work, and they understand what is needed to succeed. 


Improve your chances of being admitted into a competitive college . . .

Colleges recognize that applicants with AP experience are better prepared for the demands of college courses. Admissions officers are aware of the difficulty of AP courses and sending them your AP Exam grades can be a positive step toward potential admission into competitive colleges and programs.


Get a head start . . .

Every year, hundreds of college students achieve sophomore standing by earning qualifying AP grades. More than 1400 institutions in the United States grant a full year’s credit to students who present satisfactory grades on enough AP Exams. Contact the colleges you are interested in attending to get the most up-to-date information about their AP policies.  Even if your AP exam score earns no college credit and/or you take the course again for your major, you will be better prepared.


Earn a Scholar Award . . .

The AP Program offers a number of awards to students who demonstrate outstanding achievement. An acknowledgement appears on the student’s AP Grade Report. Scholar Award recipients not only gain recognition from colleges but also win the admiration of their peers’ families and communities.


The payoff . . .

When you ask yourself “Is it worth it?” consider the potential payoff. The AP experience is rich and rewarding. You work hard but get much in return. Most colleges view any AP experience as a plus, and AP gives you tools that serve you well throughout your college career.


See your guidance counselor and AP instructors for more information on AP courses. Also see click on AP info box for more in-depth information.


IMPORTANT: Due to pending legislation, some of the following courses may not be eligible for dual credit






* If all 4 biomed courses (Princ of Biom. Sci, Human Body Systems, Medical Interventions, and Biomedical Innovations) are completed; student may apply for credit through Ivy Tech for Biomed Innovations.



*Courses marked with an X count for Academic and Technical Honors diplomas. Note: Total cost is subject to change.


Students also have the opportunity to take classes at the college campus to earn college credits.  Students should meet with their counselor during scheduling to see if this will work with their graduation requirements and credits.  There are many class options for students interested in this opportunity to choose from including other world languages such as Arabic, Latin, and German at the Purdue-Fort Wayne campus.  

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